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This Country has become a Sodom & Gomorrah.
I believe God has lifted His hand off of America.
Michael James Stone
I don't.
Emanuel's Child This issue really confuses. How is condemning gays in church a good example of loving thy neighbour?
And more importantly how do we love our homosexual family and friends and tell them their sexual orientation is an abomination to God? 36 minutes ago via mobile · Like
Michael James Stone I can tell a person that SIN is SIN.
SIN will get you into HELL unless you do something about that.
I can tell a Person about Jesus and even introduce them to Jesus.
Lonnie Frisbee is one of the most famous Jesus Freaks in the History of the Jesus Movement and some say in some ways helped start Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.
Lonnie fought his homosexual tendencies all the days of his life and dies overseas. Chuck Smith once compared him to Samson who no matter that God used Him, could NOT stay away from Delilah.
I cannot decide personally decide who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell.
I CAN Provide every means and opportunity Jesus said to do and to be to give the capability of choice by HIS SPIRIT to
"Deny the Flesh, Take Up Our Cross and Follow Him. "
UNTIL that Day I can only committ every mans "SOUL" into God's keeping and knowing that he is able to save to the Uttermost......
I expect there will be many in heaven who some thought would not be, and many who expected to be there, who won't.
I CAN only answer for me on that and MY actions and INTER-ACTIONS with Jesus and FALL upon HIS Mercy and Grace for without Grace, NO MAN CAN BE SAVED. 16 minutes ago · Like
Michael James Stone
WHEN I attended Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, there was a Ministry TO recovering Homosexuals.
WHEN GAY Activism tried to change a Marriage Law IN CA. CC's as one voice almost instantly presented a proposition opposing it.
The person above compared Sodom and Gomorrah to America and thus said HE IS NOT the ONE righteousness man God would count to SPARE Sodom and Gomoorah.
HIS comparison criticizes GOD, the gospel, the power of Grace and the nature f mercy and says NO to all of us.
Don't BE a Son of Abraham and intercede ON BEHALF OF AMERICA and TALK to GOD to HAVE Mercy, but JOIN ME in comdemning myself as critical of God and not SEEING all the TENS OF THOUSANDS of righteous men and women GOD has saved for such a time as this and who PRAY DAILY for the SALVATION of this NATION.....
NO. I see the man above as LOT sitting in the gate saving himself ....maybe....but not doing as God said the FAther of our FAITH did........
WE who know Jesus are CALLED TO DO.........even more........
"FATHER FORGIVE THEM........for they know not what they do.........
a Christian IS KNOWN by the LOVE......not the condemnation. 5 minutes ago · Like | |
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